
Showing posts from December, 2019

What are the Duties of Direct Selling Agent (DSA)?

Direct Selling Agent (DSA) are people or business entities interested in functioning as sales agents on their behalf by multiple banks , financial institutions or a company.A direct selling agent is different from an in-house dealer, because the DSA would not be on the company’s payroll, would have a defined contract period and would have a performance-based payment.On the other hand, a sales person would be hired by the company, have a fixed monthly salary, and can only be fired according to India’s terms of employment and labor laws. Throughout side job, there are many words thrown around, many of which are often confusing and interchangeably used with others. Direct selling is one such word. At the height of the economic boom, DSAs were the powerhouses of banks and financial institutions Organisational company / consulting group, ideally chartered accountant firms, management consultants, etc., which provide economic and business consultancy services are eligible for...

Plan Your Dream Weeding with Deals of Loan

To make your wedding memorable, Dealsofloan offers instant personal loan to meet expenses related to the wedding.  Apply Here:   #wedding   #weddingseason   #personalloan #marriageloan   #loans   #financeforwedding #dealsofloan   #instantpersonalloan   #banking #finance