Facts, Benefits and Responsibilities Related to Dsa
Facts related to DSAs, registration and others Many of you, who are reading this article, might be interested in knowing all the facts related to DSAs. While, there may be a section of readers, who are aware of the basic facts related to the Loan DSAs, there may be few of those for whom ‘DSA’ is an alien term. Why not we discuss all the basic facts related to the DSA! Here we go: Who are DSAs? The DSAs or the Direct Selling Agents are the people who are responsible for bringing leads to the Banks and NBFCs. These are the people who act as middlemen between consumers and Banks & NBFCs. They are responsible to bring in leads for the various products as offered by these financial institutions. While, many DSAs deals in all sorts of Loans like Home Loans, Business Loans; there may be few who only deals in Personal Loans and thus may be known as Personal Loan DSAs. They work for the Banks and NBFCs, but are completely free from all sorts of restrictions like working hours,...